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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The First Two Months of the Maladministation of The Clown™

In The Weekly Standard, they summarized the first two months that The Clown™ has been in office...and it ain't pretty.

As we approach the two month mark, a quick tally of the Obama administration's foreign policy accomplishments:

Mexico now has sanctions against the US for NAFTA violations, the Colombia FTA is on ice, the EU is outraged at trade protectionist, buy-America provisions signed into law by Obama, Africa is despondent about the Obama budget's cuts in Bush HIV/AIDs programs, Darfur is worsening by the day with no US reaction (except an ICC indictment which, like the International Criminal Tribunal in Yugoslavia, in effect tells a genocidal leader that once he is done killing everybody there is going to be a lawsuit), Central and Eastern Europe feels sold down the river on efforts to defend against a growing nuclear and missile threat in Iran, the Chinese have reminded the US that they hold $1 trillion in US debt and don't much like our ships in the South China Sea or back talk on human rights, and the North Koreans are preparing a "space launch" - over Japan.

Only 46 months left to go.

Someone stop the world - we want to get off.

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